About Barefoot Citizens


We create opportunities together, for everyone to participate in a world of possibilities

As we navigate a world seeking transformative change, Barefoot Citizens is a collective of businesses striving to enact positive change in our world.

What makes us different is our smart way of doing business. We care about profit, but we also care just as much about helping people and the planet. In doing so we engage a diverse range of stakeholders and inspire a sustainable global movement.

Collaboration and creative problem-solving are at the heart of what we do. What sets us apart is we demonstrate that by reshaping business model paradigms, businesses can thrive financially when aligned with social and environmental objectives.

The Executive Team

Founder / CEO

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Development Officer

Chief Marketing Officer

Director Strategic Investment


Thriving Sustainability

We prioritise sustainable practices and investments to ensure a resilient and thriving future for people and the planet.

Harmonious Collaboration

We work closely with governments, businesses and individuals worldwide to unite diverse voices and create impactful solutions together.

Empowering Humanity

We encourage individuals and communities to take charge of their future, fostering a sense of agency and inclusivity to build a better world.

Innovative Ingenuity

We embrace creative and unconventional approaches to problem-solving, pioneering bold solutions and driving transformative solutions for social and environmental challenges.

Radiant Impact

We create a positive ripple effect of change, maximizing the potential of our interconnected ecosystem, showcasing the power of collaborative and integrated approaches.